Conversion Rate

Conversion rate refers to the ratio of website visits that result in a certain action. If your website is visited 100 times, and during 5 of those visits a conversion takes place, your website would have a 5% conversion rate.


A conversion is when a user completes a certain action on a website, and usually the action is tied to a business goal. Common conversions on websites include purchasing something, signing up for an email newsletter, submitting a contact form, or viewing specific pages. Tracking conversions is crucial in determining ROI and making decisions about advertising and…

Average Rank

Average Rank, sometimes abbreviated “Avg Rank”, refers to where a website or ad appears in search engine results pages on average, over a period of time.


In Pay-Per Click advertising and search engine optimization, rank refers to where your website or ad appears for a given search query on the search engine results page (SERP). If you rank #1, your website appears at the top of search results.

Cost Per Click

Cost per click, which is frequently abbreviated as “CPC”, refers to the price paid per click in a pay per click advertising campaign.

Click Through Rate

Click through rate, frequently abbreviated as “CTR”, is a metric usually used to describe the ability of an ad to generate clicks. CTR is calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions. An ad shown 1000 times with 10 clicks would have a 1% click through rate. Click through rate can…